Thursday, February 18, 2010

Death by Long John Silvers

Ok...not really, but I have discovered that food like this no longer "agrees" with me. 

Had a doctor's appointment today with yet ANOTHER doctor.  This time a OB/GYN surgeon who will be performing a total hysterectomy on me a week from tomorrow.  I am actually anxious for this surgery, and when I say anxious...I say READY.  This is one problem that a person with Lyme disease doesn't need on top of everything else.  So lets GET IT ON...SO I CAN GET ON with dealing with my other issue.

After my appointment, I decided to stop and get some lunch, instead of eating the healthy turkey/cheese/apple combination I was going to eat at home (bad decision #1).  Then I decided to go to one of my favorite places to get good, wholesome, American, GREASY food...Long John Silvers (bad decision #2).  I then decided against all the remotely healthy baked fish options and got the Chicken Planks meal w/hush puppies and extra crumblies (the crunchy batter pieces) as my choice (bad decision #3).  Then I brought it home, sat down with my dog anxiously yapping at my heels...and ate my ridiculous, fat ridden meal (while watching a DVR'd episode of THE BACHELOR, might as well ruin my mind too...LOL).

By about 2:00 in the afternoon my stomach was rolling around like waves crashing on a beach.  By the time my daughter got in the car after school, I was naseated, grumpy.......and PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTED.  All I wanted to to was take a nap.  It consumed me, it was all I could think about.  I NEEDED THAT NAP...NOW.  As soon as my husband came home from work, I was crashed out in the bedroom.  This is about 3:30.  He tried to wake me up about 5:30, but he could not awake me.  About 6:30 he came into the bedroom to get his jacket to take the kids to get food.  Light flooded the bedroom (and so did the Dog), but it finally awoke me.

When he came in the second time, I was in the middle of a terrible nightmare.  In the dream I was out in a restaurant with my family, and someone in the restaurant was trying to poison us.  They had already gotten to me, because I couldn't think straight.  I was running around in the restaurant, like I was drunk or drugged, knocking over things....trying to figure out who was trying to kill us and protect our family.  When my husband came in, I was crying when I woke up.  How messed up is that?

So effective immediately, I am swearing off greasy food.  Okay...let's not get crazy here.  I am swearing off Long John Silvers.  Don't get me wrong, it's still greasy lovely goodness...but its obviously not for me

1 comment:

Keri said...

Hi, I saw your blog posted in one of the FB Lyme groups. Thanks for sharing. I also have a blog with lots of Lyme postings.
One of the things I have noticed that most Lymeie have in common is big sensitivity to wheat, gluten, corn, dairy, carbs and sugars. I have found that eliminating these foods helps me to feel so much better. Good luck on your journey to health and avoiding LJS.