Monday, February 8, 2010

We've Got Another Leak!

I couldn't believe it when I checked under the kitchen sink today to see standing water.  Soaked through dishwasher detergent boxes, garbage bags, and kitchen towels.  We'd sprung another leak!  This time our faucet/sprayer hose is a goner.  We've already had the plumbers out to the house once this week when our basement ceiling started to leak (issues with the upstairs bathroom toilet).  Ah the joys of being a homeowner!  When it rains it pours (or considering this Iowa Winter...when it snows it SNOWS!)

The leaks have kind of been a a metaphor to what is going on in my own personal life.  In August 2009 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease after being sick for over a month and a 1/2.  Unlike many Lyme Disease sufferers who are misdiagnosed because their tests come out negative, mine came out POSITIVE.  However, upon seeing an infectious disease doctor (in the Midwestern state of Iowa), he informed me that "There was no Lyme Disease in Iowa", and that his advice to me was that I was being overmedicated, and to go off all my perscriptions.  Upon my husbands and my insistance, we asked for another blood test to be sent to a different lab.  It, too, came out positive.

My doctor began to treat me with IV Cephatoraxone.   By the time the treatment began, I was in so much pain that I could barely get out of bed in the morning.  I would sleep for hours during the day.  I couldn't hold my neck up.  The pain in my hips and knees was unbearable.  Then I developed blood clots in my arms from the picc line sights, and had to be hosptialized for a week.  I am still on blood thinnners...which have their own set of problems.  Irregardless, my ID doctor refused to treat me for my Lyme Disease past the 14 day IV protocol.  Even a trip to the prestigous University of Iowa led to nowhere.  There are not any Lyme Literate doctors in Iowa, and the one that is, is not affiliated with any hospital, nor does he take private insurance. 

So where am I now?  Well....let's go back to that leaking faucet metaphor.  My life is constantly plugging the leaks.  I am not currently taking any medications to help with the Lyme Disease.  I am on medications for Fibromyalgia, as the doc at the UofI believes that is what I have because "Chronic Lyme doesn't exist".  I am also preparing myself for having to undergo a hysterectomy within the next couple of weeks.  Although I will not have a funeral for my "lady parts" (my baby days are long gone), it does mean more weeks of pain and recovery.    Currently I am duct taping my leaks.  I am hoping one of these days I will be able to patch the holes properly.  In the meantime I will be using this blog to help with my "daily mental floss".  Thanks for coming along with the ride!



Jeffery said...

Doctors are idiots. Write your own story. Own it.
Love ya Mrs. Miller!

Blessed Jess said...

Sorry that you have been struggling Laurie...I am sure thinking about you and praying for NO MORE PAIN!!! LOve ya!

Keri said...

There are lots and lots of natural treatments you can take to help get rid of the Lyme symptoms you are having. I was also told that I have FMS, but I have Lyme.

karmstrong said...

Hello , I am also a lymie from Iowa .I was dx nov.08 . I will be 38 next month, have 3 kids ,and work full time . I wanted to let you know I do have a LLMD in Iowa feel free to contact me if you want his name .(Kerrie Miller Armstrong on face book )